Day: February 7, 2023

How is the space designed to appeal to consumers, and how might this align with the principles we have learned about in class?

Assignment Prompt:Watch this scene from the film Despicable Me in which the minions go shopping: How is the consumer space depicted in this sequence? How is the space designed to appeal to consumers, and how might this align with the principles we have learned about in class? Be sure to engage with the details of […]

Assume you are either Mike or Josh; explain how you would go about making a decision using project management methodology?

Post-Graduation Adventure Josh and Mike met as roommates during freshman year at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Despite a rocky start they became best friends. They are planning a two-week adventure together to celebrate their graduation in June. Josh has never been to Europe and wants to visit France or Spain. Mike spent a […]

Using the scenario below explain at this point, what would you do if you were the project manager?

ASSIGNMENT Commission a break-even study for the laser printer. Very little in the way of concrete savings was identified, although there was consensus that time could be compressed to the market launch date, but at additional costs. Lauren met with the marketing (Connor), production (Kim), and design (Gage) managers, who yielded some ideas for cutting […]

Describe your impression of at least one of the speakers.Do you know someone who has seen this specialist, and how does it affect your viewpoint of this career?

Assignment – Reflective Writing – Meet the Experts: Pharmacy/Dentistry/Neurology & Women’s Health Describe your impression of at least one of the speakers in 400-500+ words. Do you know someone who has seen this specialist, and how does it affect your viewpoint of this career? Would the hours that the doctor works fit within the lifestyle […]

Explain what internal validity is and why experiments are considered to be high in internal validity.

Experimentation and Validity Explain what internal validity is and why experiments are considered to be high in internal validity. Explain what external validity is and evaluate studies in terms of their external validity. Explain the concepts of construct and statistical validity

Define what a control condition is, explain its purpose in research on treatment effectiveness, and describe some alternative types of control conditions

Experiment Basics Explain what an experiment is and recognize examples of studies that are experiments and studies that are not experiments. Distinguish between the manipulation of the independent variable and control of extraneous variables and explain the importance of each. Recognize examples of confounding variables and explain how they affect the internal validity of a […]

Discuss what methods and weaknesses you would use to exploit the employees to try and gain positive access and/or control.

Cyber Security To prepare for this discussion, read the following articles: Information Security Issues and Threats in Saudi Arabia: A Research Survey. Phishing by Industry Benchmarking report. In your discussion, highlight and share an experiment that you might utilize to perform a social engineering attack on a Saudi organization. Discuss what methods and weaknesses you […]

Explain what the term researcher-as-instrument means in qualitative research, and discuss its implications for data analysis.

Data Analytics 1 Describe general strategies you might effectively apply when organizing and analyzing qualitative data. 2 Explain how qualitative data analysis is typically an iterative, spiral-like process. 3 Explain what the term researcher-as-instrument means in qualitative research, and discuss its implications for data analysis.

Identify situations in which mixed-methods designs are especially useful. Identify appropriate and efficient approaches to analyzing data in a mixed-methods study.

Data Analytics 12.1 Identify situations in which mixed-methods designs are especially useful. 12.2 Describe general characteristics and purposes of (a) convergent designs, (b) embedded designs, (c) exploratory designs, (d) explanatory designs, and (e) multiphase iterative designs. 12.3 Describe effective strategies for conducting mixed-methods research, especially those related to (a) identifying research questions and hypotheses, (b) […]

Explain possible means by which you can present your research findings to people who are unlikely to read an unpublished research report.

Data Analytics 3.1 Describe several essential components of a good research report, including discussions of (a) the research problem, (b) method(s) used, (c) obtained data and analyses of them, (d) interpretations of the data, (e) possible weaknesses of the study, and (f) relevance to a broader context. 13.2 Discuss various strategies for maintaining your academic […]

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