Essay Assignment Why should you choose cybersecurity as a career? In Module 4, you evaluated the relevance, recency, and reliability of the sources you chose in Module 3. In this discussion, you will post the reference citations for the sources you plan to use in support of your final paper. Offer Your Initial Thoughts Be […]
What do you think this poem tells us about the role of women during the Civil War? How do you think women viewed the war? Why?
Reflection: Poem About Civil War Nurses Read the following document: Poem About Civil War Nurses, 1866 Write a reflection answering the following question? What do you think this poem tells us about the role of women during the Civil War? How do you think women viewed the war? Why? Your reflection should be between 600 […]
Identify two middle-range theories that could be used to view the phenomenon of interest. Compare and contrast how the phenomenon would be shaped by each theory.
Middle Range Theories Identify two middle-range theories that could be used to view the phenomenon of interest. Compare and contrast how the phenomenon would be shaped by each theory.
How is the GFR measured? What are the strengths and limitations of methods of determining GFR?
Assignment The kidneys are highly vascular organs that filter the blood, removing wastes for excretion and returning the rest of the blood to the vascular system. The functional units of the kidneys are nephrons, each composed of a glomerulus and a tubule. How is the GFR measured? What are the strengths and limitations of methods […]
Describe the interaction/situation/problem. What inferences did you have to make, or what conclusions did you have to draw about the scenario?
Assignment: Power Point Presentation Create a 8 slide power point presentation with detailed speaker notes. (Including title page and reference page). Cite, reference, and APA format. Use this scenario: A customer leaves an unfair, negative review on an online site about services/products provided by your business. Include the following in the presentation: Describe the interaction/situation/problem. […]
Choose a patient satisfaction within the Emergency Department. Then outline and based it on patient satisfaction within the Emergency Department.
Patient Satisfaction within the Emergency Department Choose a patient satisfaction within the Emergency Department. Then outline and based it on patient satisfaction within the Emergency Department.
Define the concept of a variable, distinguish quantitative from categorical variables, and give examples of variables that might be of interest to psychologists.
ASSIGNMENT Define the concept of a variable, distinguish quantitative from categorical variables, and give examples of variables that might be of interest to psychologists. Explain the difference between a population and a sample. Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research. Distinguish between lab studies, field studies, and field experiments.
Describe how the counselor might solve this dilemma from a consequences perspective, virtue ethics perspective, and principle perspective.
ASSIGNMENT As we have learned from our reading this week, beneficence in a moral sense means more than “do no harm.” It also involves actively seeking to help those in need, and protecting others from threats. Privacy and confidentiality, on the other hand, involve trust. There are only two ways that a professional can break […]
Describe some techniques for turning research ideas into empirical research questions and use those techniques to generate questions.
Good Research Questions Describe some techniques for turning research ideas into empirical research questions and use those techniques to generate questions. Explain what makes a research question interesting and evaluate research questions in terms of their interestingness.
Define the clinical practice of psychology and distinguish it from experimental psychology. Explain how science is relevant to clinical practice.
Experimental and Clinical Psychologists Define the clinical practice of psychology and distinguish it from experimental psychology. Explain how science is relevant to clinical practice. Define the concept of an empirically supported treatment and give some examples.