Select a title from the following topic choices:
Topic Choices
Gender roles and stereotypes
Gender differences in sexuality
Male sexuality
Female sexuality
Transgender sexuality
Sexual identity
Distinct populations including lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and questioning populations)
Differences between gay men and lesbians
Sexual orientation and mental health
Same sex couples
LGBTQ youth
Introduction (1–2 paragraphs)
Use this space to create an introduction to your paper that includes an overview of the topic and what you are covering in the paper. For more information about the introduction, see section 2.05 (page 27) in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Descriptions or Definitions of Key Words and Terms (1–2 paragraphs)
Use this space to identify the key words and terms you are using in your paper.
Issues Faced by the Group(s) (3–5 paragraphs)
Use this space to describe 3–5 issues faced by the group or groups. The issues can revolve around things like identity, discrimination/stigma, comparisons (e.g., differences between men and women) and physical or mental health.