Pick one (1) of the leaders depicted in the short video titled “Leadership Styles Through Movie Scenes” above. Explain how their style motivates their follower(s).


After reading Chapter 6, Path-Goal Theory, complete the following exercise.

Pick one (1) of the leaders depicted in the short video titled “Leadership Styles Through Movie Scenes” above. https://youtu.be/cYA7eMoxUBA

Explain how their style motivates their follower(s). It may not be a style you agree with, but in some way, each style serves to motivate and influence.

APA Citation for reference page: Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. In-Text Citation: (Northhouse, 2021)

In-Text Citation: (Northhouse, 2021)

Pick one (1) of the leaders depicted in the short video titled “Leadership Styles Through Movie Scenes” above. Explain how their style motivates their follower(s).
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