Infancy observation. “Babies”
Watch the film Babies using this link here: Babies Movie .
Use this observation form to complete the assignment Infancy Observation Form
Make sure you pick 1 child to observe, take good notes on their behavior/development, and include theory in your analysis.
Once you have watched the film you will follow the prompts and write about the baby you chose , and 3 areas of development (social/emotional, physical and cognitive) and 1 theory in action related to each area you discussed.
This assignment is worth 12 points.
Observation Template Part 1:
Observer’s Name:
Date and Time : (beginning and ending) of observation
Highlight Name of Child Observed: (Ponijao/Namibia, Bayarjargal/Mongolia, Mari/Tokyo, Hattie/San Francisco
Write a brief description of child, including age:
Link of video you watched: