Day: January 3, 2023

Find 4 articles and write a 2-paragraph summary for each article. Then write a 1-2 paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article found.

Age Groups Find 4 articles located in scholarly journals. Major developmental theories across the lifespan Nature of geographic, gender, social, cognitive, emotional, and developmental factors during each period of development Developmental factors that impact one another. Historical and current trends in development Current trends which may differentially impact the future development of populations in the […]

Provide some background information on the topic (Hooke’s Law, SHM, ideal springs vs real springs). Explain the important concepts and cite the sources.

Hooke’s Law and SHM Lab Lab Report Introduction Provide some background information on the topic (Hooke’s Law, SHM, ideal springs vs real springs). Explain the important concepts and cite the sources (APA style citations, in-text and in Bibliography) (No longer than 1 page, 1.5 lines separation) Purpose Hypothesis (How do you think the force constants […]

What are your plans for learning more about Excel and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data?

Assignment – Excel  Using the Excel Sheet and descriptive statistics page; you will write up your analysis for the 20 participants. This week, you learned about the statistical software applications used to analyze data for research analysis. For this week’s discussion, you will use Excel sheet provide to run descriptive statistics, create graphs and respond […]

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