What can you discuss about distributive leadership in your school? Does distributive management sway the philosophy of the school? If so, in which ways?


Comments on Distributed Leadership and its effects on school culture.

Research Questions
1. Discuss a little about your experience as a teacher. (Get to know a little about you)
2. In your view, what qualities should a school leader have?
3. How would you define a teacher leader and their role?
4. In your view, what qualifications should a teacher leader have?
5. Do you see yourself as a teacher leader? Why or why not?
6. How do you balance being both a teacher and a teacher leader?
7. Have you felt overwhelmed with the tasks given to you, being a teacher leader?
8. What can you discuss about distributive leadership in your school?
9. Does distributive management sway the philosophy of the school? If so, in which ways?
10. In your opinion, when the administration uses distributive leadership, what do they do to elevate and engage teachers as leaders?
11. If administrators utilized these things, you just described – How do you feel this would impact the culture of the school?
12. Is there something else you would like to share?

What can you discuss about distributive leadership in your school? Does distributive management sway the philosophy of the school? If so, in which ways?
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