Watch the movie from a clinical lens. Then, using 3 theoretical perspectives (psychodynamic mft, solution-focused mft, and contextual mft) explain how you might assess and intervene with this family.

The Addams Family: A Theoretical View

For this paper, you will be asked to select a movie family (THE ADDAMS FAMILY) .

Watch the movie from a clinical lens. Then, using 3 theoretical perspectives (psychodynamic mft, solution-focused mft, and contextual mft) explain how you might assess and intervene with this family.

Make sure that systemic thinking is evident in your work. This is not a paper from an integrative perspective; therefore, you should address each theoretical perspective individually.

Goal is to explore how different theories might be applied to the same family.

Papers should be written in past tense as though you were reporting on your own successful clinical work with this family. Papers should be 6-7 double-spaced pages using 1-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font.

For each of your 3 theories, address the questions listed below. Only use one presenting problem, and you only need to describe the presenting problem once at the beginning of your paper.
The presenting problem
Who initiated contact with you?
Who came to therapy?
How you assessed the family
What you focused on in your assessment
Your conclusions from your assessment
The goals of therapy
The interventions used
The therapeutic intent behind the interventions used
The results of the interventions
How you evaluated whether the treatment was successful
How the decision was made to terminate

Watch the movie from a clinical lens. Then, using 3 theoretical perspectives (psychodynamic mft, solution-focused mft, and contextual mft) explain how you might assess and intervene with this family.
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