Read about the musical score. Who was the music composer for Citizen Kane? Provide a brief bio in your own words and cite your sources.


Want and expect student writing. Sharing essays with others constitutes cheating and will result in a zero for both parties. Essay containing “cut and paste” material will receive a ZERO.

1-2 pages in length

12-pt Times New Roman; double spaced

Spelling, capitalization and word usage should be accurate to receive full credit.

You MUST include a Works Cited page and cite ALL sources in MLA format. You must use in-text citations.


Read the synopsis.

Read about the musical score.

Read about the composer.

Watch the Breakfast Scene clip.

Answer the following prompts in an essay.

Who was the director of Citizen Kane? Provide a brief bio in your own words and cite your sources.

Who was the music composer for Citizen Kane? Provide a brief bio in your own words and cite your sources.

Describe the music.

During each of the following time segments. What is happening in the scene at each point? How does the music support the dialogue?





Read about the musical score. Who was the music composer for Citizen Kane? Provide a brief bio in your own words and cite your sources.
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