Write a 2-page memo on the company’s valuation and analyze what are the primary drivers to the valuation and how sensitive it is to changes in your assumptions.


You are an analyst in the automobile industry and your boss asks you to do a valuation of a global publicly traded automobile manufacturer. She wants you to come up with an enterprise valuation using both DCF and Comparable approaches and calculate your estimates on both a TEV  and per Share basis. She also provided some finer points.

DCF should be performed on a 10-year planning horizon Use a discount rate of 8% Build the DCF off of the company’s current financial statements. If they do not use US$ use the currency the financials are stated in. You will need to make assumptions just document what they are. The market currently trades at a 6.5 X EBITDA multiple for transactions and average P/E Ratio is about 6 Do All of your work in Excel .

Write a 2-page memo on the company’s valuation and analyze what are the primary drivers to the valuation and how sensitive it is to changes in your assumptions.

A memo with some graphs and table would be appropriate.


Write a 2-page memo on the company’s valuation and analyze what are the primary drivers to the valuation and how sensitive it is to changes in your assumptions.
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