Find a scientific paper written by your scientist, either as an author or co-author. Describe the field of biology they are working on (for example, evolution or infectious diseases) in 1 or 2 sentences.

BIOL1333 Signature Assignment: Scientist Role Models

Use the following resources to choose a scientist to explore. Pick someone whose work interests you and/or whom you can relate to in some way.
Scientist Profiles PDF in Canvas
BioInteractive’s Scientists at Work
HHMI Investigator list
Scientist Project
UTA’s College of Science

Do the following to learn more about your scientist and their work and complete Table 1:

If you picked a scientist from the “Scientist Profiles” document, watch the BioInteractive video listed for that scientist.

Find and explore your scientist’s website by searching online. Scientists often have a website hosted by the university or institute at which they do their research.

Perform a Google search to read other articles or resources that mention your scientist. Remember to use only reliable sources.

Find a scientific paper written by your scientist, either as an author or co-author. (You can use Google Scholar, a UTA library database, or the scientist’s website to locate papers.) This should be original research conducted by the scientist.

Go through the paper as follows:
Read the abstract and introduction.
Examine the figures in the results. What data are being represented?
Read the discussion section.

Make sure the information in this table is incorporated into your essay before you submit the assignment.

Table 1: Scientist Details
Scientist’s name
Describe the field of biology they are working on (for example, evolution or infectious diseases) in 1 or 2 sentences.

Why are they doing this research? Why is it important? What motivates them either personally or professionally?

What questions are they trying to answer? Give 2 minimum.
Sources. You must use at least 3 sources for your essay. One should be the Scientist’s website and another the primary article. These sources will be referenced using APA formatting.

Primary literature article:
Other reliable source
Other reliable source

Write a 400- to 500- word essay that summarizes your scientist’s work and why you relate to it.

Find a scientific paper written by your scientist, either as an author or co-author. Describe the field of biology they are working on (for example, evolution or infectious diseases) in 1 or 2 sentences.
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