Lesson Plans Outline
Select all that apply, or enter alternative subject in the “other” field.
Topic or Unit of Study
Directions: To what topic or unit does this lesson belong? Be as succinct as possible (e.g. The Civil War, Density, Short Stories, The Post Office, etc.)
Select all that apply, or enter alternative grade or level in the “other” field.
Directions: Describe the purpose of the learning experience. What will students know and be able to do as a result of this activity? This objective should relate closely to the standards and benchmarks you select.
Directions: Provide a brief overview of your activity. Limit yourself to 3-4 sentences
Web Links
Learning Context
Directions: How does this activity fit into the general context of what you’re teaching? Describe the larger unit, and/or consider the activities that came before and the activities that come after.
Directions: Provide a detailed explanation of how students will complete this activity. Consider interaction students will have with each other, with class material, and with you
Web Links
Differentiated Instruction
Directions: How will you differentiate the instruction for students who may have special needs? These include special education students, English learners, students at-risk of failing, and advanced learners. How will you help these students meet or exceed the standard(s) addressed in your lesson?
Web Links
Directions: A pull down allows the author to select whether the students work individually, collaboratively, or individually and collaboratively. The author also selects the numbers of students in a group.
Time Allotment
Author’s Comments and Reflections
Directions: What additional comments might you make to help another teacher implement this activity? Reflect on how you might improve implementation in the future.
Materials and Resources
Directions: Identify the resources you and your students will be using in the classroom for this lesson. Under Materials and Resources, list such things as texts, other printed materials, graphics, videos, VCRs, etc.
A special section is provided for computer-based resources to allow you to describe computer use in the greatest detail.