Create a Java class called Cyclic Sequence
The class should output numbers whose sum of proper divisors form a cyclic sequence that begins and ends with the same number.
Include a method called generate Sequence that takes a number as a parameter and outputs the other numbers in the sequence. You can use any number in the list shown below as the starting point to generate the rest of the values in that cyclic sequence.
You can also include a method to calculate the sum of all the number’s proper divisors and call it from the generate Sequence method.
The output must list all numbers of the sequence separated by 2 spaces.
Use the following to test you logic:
The numbers that result in a 2-cycle sequence: 220, 284
The numbers result in a 4-cycle sequence: 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460
The numbers result in a 5-cycle sequence: 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264
The only known numbers that result in a 28-cycle sequence are: 14316, 19116, 31704, 47616, 83328,
177792, 295488, 629072, 589786, 294896, 358336, 418904, 366556, 274924, 275444, 243760, 376736,
381028, 285778, 152990, 122410, 97946, 48976, 45946, 22976, 22744, 19916, 17716.
All other numbers will result in an infinite loop. Your logic will only need to work for the numbers listed above