Reply to both discussions separately. Identify at least one strength and one weakness in their reasoning.

Replies: EI

Reply to both discussions separately. Identify at least one strength and one weakness in their reasoning. Use a quote from the bible to prove your point, make sure to cite it.

Discussion 1: SR

Smile, and the World Smiles with You
Emotional intelligence is the ability a person has to handle a relationship.  The quote “Smile and the world smiles with you” was coined by Daniel Goleman.  The meaning of this statement is that a leader with a cheerful disposition can become contagious within the company or organization.  In agreeing with this quote, having a leader of a company that is positive and in good spirits puts the entire organization in a positive mindset.  Companies that have leaders that are negative and unhappy often set a gloomy picture for the employees.  The negativity that is created often spreads throughout the organization, like cancer.  The attitude and overall mood of the leader can affect the company, whether negative or positive.  Some of the most successful leaders in the world often have positive attitudes and a happy disposition.  Professors and teachers are leaders in the classrooms, affecting the lives of many different people.  Professors who practice emotional intelligence have seen higher levels of success from students when compared to professors that do not practice (Chen & Guo, 2018).
Resonance Leaders
The most significant part of being a Resonance leader has the ability to communicate and sync with the rest of the organization.  Each person at a company has a different personality and different emotional needs.  A Resonance leader has the ability to use emotional intelligence to direct their feelings and sync with the body of the company.  Such leaders are often empathetic and have the ability to understand the feelings of others quickly.  Self-awareness allows the leader to know what they are feeling and the reason behind that feeling.  Self-management is another part of emotional intelligence where the leader is able to control distressing emotions effectively and maintain composure.  And putting it all together allows the leader to effectively use emotional intelligence in order to be a successful Resonance leader.
Emotional Intelligence
The first step in the process of developing emotional intelligence is self-awareness.  Self-awareness can often be described as the most challenging step in emotional intelligence because it can be difficult for many people to understand precisely what they are feeling and why they are feeling this way.  Often a person can realize that they are feeling a certain way, yet are unsure of why they have that feeling.  A leader that is using emotional intelligence must have the ability to quickly know what they are feeling and why they are feeling that way.  Studies have shown that it is possible to train a person or leader to develop emotional intelligence and become successful (Mattingly & Kraiger, 2019).  The most difficult step in the process is the ability to fully understand where the feelings are coming from.  Someone can wake up and feel sad and have no idea why they feel sadness.  Many people that suffer from depression do not know why they are depressed and where it comes from.

Discussion 2: MD
Smile and The World Smiles with You 
In certain situations, it could be agreed upon that when one smiles the world smiles with you, however I do not agree that this is the case in all situations and furthermore do not agree as stated in the Harvard Business Review (2001) when it states, “hearing laughter, we find it almost impossible not to laugh or smile, too. That is because some of our brain’s open loop circuits are designed to detect smiles and laughter, making us respond in kind.” (Harvard Business Review, 2001). There are certain situations where emotional intelligence may prescribe a different manner in what emotions to utilize and expose certain situations. However, I do agree that a smile needs to be met with a genuine nature to be effective. Emotional intelligence is vital in management and different facets of business as being able to understand different emotions is vital for developing an effective and efficient culture and system.
The importance of resonance in being a leader is to be in touch or attuned to others around them, and this goes hand-and-hand with emotional intelligence. As referred to in (Emanuel & Gudbranson, 2018) emotional intelligence can be referenced as an alternative IQ (Intelligence Quotient). The higher the emotional intelligence of a leader, the more they will be able to be emotionally in touch and attuned to who surrounds them and furthermore can be a better leader for them.
Development and Challenges of Emotional Intelligence 
As referenced in Mattingly & Kraiger (2019), “Emotional intelligence (EI) refers broadly to refers skills and/or abilities that enable awareness of the emotional states of oneself and others and the capacity to regulate or use emotions to positively affect role performance.” (Mattingly & Kraiger, 2019). This can be presented as a challenge, for a leader, it will take the efforts and ambition to understand and positively affect the efficiency on employee performance. To have this effect, leaders need to know how to read and be attuned to their employees and to have the buy-in and high creditability from employees and stakeholders involved.

Reply to both discussions separately. Identify at least one strength and one weakness in their reasoning.
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