Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt.


Answer two out of the four questions. Your exam should be 10+ pages and include extensive textual evidence. Quotes should be appropriately cited and unpacked.

Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt.

Explain the influence of Puritan and Congregationalist Christian thought on the early American republic, using Ward, Winthrop, Cotton, Williams and Wise. An especially good answer will deal with Arendt’s views about Christianity.

Explain and critically respond to Arendt’s argument in On Revolution. That is, explain her new version of republicanism that she finds in the American Republic, her critique of liberalism (especially the leftist version of the French Revolution), and her ultimate critique of how the American Republic betrayed its own spirit of revolution.

Explain the arguments for and against the American Independence (readings from Sept 22-24) and explain the extent to which you think they are left republican (Arendt, Harrington), right republican (Roman, Montesquieu), left liberal (Robespierre) and right liberal (Locke). A good answer will not use just the Sept 22-24 readings.


Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt.
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