Coding Program
You have been tasked with developing a Java program that tracks customers and order data. The company wants to determine the purchasing behavior of its customers. All order data is based on the total sales amounts (revenue) for each customer.
Write a Java program that displays a menu to allow the user the following functionality:
1. Add multiple new customers – prompt user for the number of customers to be loaded and then prompts for each customer’s name, customer id (5 digit number), and total sales
2. Add single new customer – prompts the user for customer data: customer name, customer id, and total sales
3. Display all customers – displays each customer’s data to the console, one customer per line
4. Retrieve specific customer’s data – prompts the user for the customer id and displays the corresponding customer’s data: customer id, customer name, and total sales
5. Retrieve customers with total sales based on the range – prompts the user for the lowest and highest total sales and displays all customers with total sales in that range. Display each customer on a separate line with all information – Customer Name, Customer ID, and Total Sales
6. Exit
Design and implementation notes:
Each menu selection should be implemented as a separate method
Customers’ data should be saved in arrays, you can allocate for a maximum of 100 elements
After completion of each selection, the program should display the menu again to allow the user another selection until they select Exit
Make sure your Java program is using the recommended style such as:
Javadoc comment upfront with your name as author, date, and brief purpose of the program
Comments for variables and blocks of code to describe major functionality
Meaningful variable names and prompts
Identifiers are written in upper CamelCase
Class name starts with upper case letter and variables in lower case letter
Constants are written in All Capitals
Use proper spacing and empty lines to make code human–readable
Capture execution:
You should capture and label screen capture associated with compiling your code and running atest case.
There should be a screenshot for the execution of each menu selection