Briefly discuss the efficacy of citizen-cooperation ads (most popular is “Crimestoppers”). Is Crimestoppers effective in solving crimes?

Criminal Justice

Question 1: Briefly discuss the efficacy of citizen-cooperation ads (most popular is “Crimestoppers”). Is Crimestoppers effective in solving crimes? p. 182

Question 2: Do celebrities get excessive media coverage for crimes they commit (Most recently Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin)? Why do celebrities get “front-page” criminal attention? p. 212

Textbook: Surrett, R. (2015). Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities, and Policies. 5th Edition. Samford, Ct.: Cengage Learning.

Briefly discuss the efficacy of citizen-cooperation ads (most popular is “Crimestoppers”). Is Crimestoppers effective in solving crimes?
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