Read these two articles:
Articles (use these exact citations in your references list)
Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship. (2020, June 19). Science in the News. Retrieved September 24, 2022, from to an external site.
Carter, C. S., & Porges, S. W. (2013, November 27). The biochemistry of love: an oxytocin hypothesis. EMBO Reports, 14(1), 12–16. to an external site.
Essay: Demonstrate your understanding of the biochemistry of love by answering these questions below:
Explain the top five most important points revealed in Love, Actually: The Science Behind Lust, Attraction, and Companionship (2020) article.
Explain the top five most important points revealed in the Carter & Porges (2013) article.
What are your biggest takeaways about the role of biochemical processes when you think about your past or current experiences with falling in love (and out of love) and attaching to a partner?