Regulation/s variations between civilian & military agencies for explosive materials responses.
Each student will prepare an essay paper of his or her choice selected from the topics below. A superior paper would require 6 references).
References should be properly cited in the body of the paper and also be listed at the end of the paper and should follow reasonably accurate citation formatting.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Development and use of explosives over the past century.
The discovery and benefits of the Munroe effect.
Explosive handling and safety concerns for civilian demolition operations.
Regulation/s variations between civilian & military agencies for explosive materials responses.
changes in responding to explosive incidents before Desert Storm.
materials use as potential weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Threats during the Cold War.
Importance of memorandums of understanding (MOU) between civilian and
military agencies during this period in history.
EOD involvement in Korea.
EOD involvement in Viet Nam
Evolving role of Navy EOD as seen with undertaking of Marine Mammal systems.
History of Explosives Safety Precautions.
The accomplishments of Fred Olsen.
Alfred Nobel’s role in developing/improving explosives.
Contributions and impact of Roger Bacon, Berthold Schwarz, E.I. DuPont, and any other renown persons mentioned in the readings, notes, or web sites.
Sacrifices/contributions as made by the 1st military bomb disposal technicians
Sacrifices/contributions as made by the 1st civilian/police bomb disposal technicians.
Any historical topic directly pertaining to EOD history and development as it relates to civilian, military, US or foreign events.
This is a research paper and requires in-text citations and proper use of quotation marks for all cited material.