“Shadowing a Leader” was introduced in Week 2 and is now due…
Each student was responsible for developing a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their virtual meeting and/or phone conversation. Set up a minimum of three meetings, one of which can be, with the leader’s permission ask questions about their leadership at work, in the community, and or family.
The analysis should include the leaders:
Leadership philosophy
Vision and goals for the organization
Conflict management techniques and suggestions
Methods for establishing and building trust
Methods for empowering others.
A written report in APA 7th edition in the assignment thread
3-5 pages
This is just an informational thread for discussion on what “Shadowing a Leader” is.
Introducing it now because it is detailed and needs to be followed.
What is one quality of a good Leadership… the ability to set goals, plan, and complete task.