In an essay verify your attendance(two community events) with a photo/screenshot of you attending the activity and submit a written summary of the event

Community events

This semester you are required that you attend TWO community events that are related to either 1) the environment and/or 2) plants.

Each activity is worth 25 course points for a total of 50 points. You will need to verify your attendance with a photo/screenshot of you attending the activity AND submit a written summary of the event or activity.

The written statement should be at least 5 sentences long (but not more than a page).

CHOOSE EVENTS THAT INTERESTED YOU Here are just a few places to get started:

1) Perimeter College Garden (volunteer work days, seminars, celebrations)

2) Georgia Native Plant Society events (meetings, seminars, guided walks)

3) The Atlanta Botanical Garden (visit, seminars, volunteer)

4) The Nature Conservancy of Georgia (volunteer work days, seminars, guided walks, visit sites) and

5) Community Gardens (workshops, volunteer)


5) Fernbank Natural History Museum (visit, volunteer)

In an essay verify your attendance(two community events) with a photo/screenshot of you attending the activity and submit a written summary of the event
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