Day: August 11, 2022

Choose one nonprofit organizations that volunteer during times of disaster, and write a case study that contains a review and analysis of the organization.

Volunteering for the community Unit VI Case Study For this assignment, you will utilize the Library to search for information about nonprofit organizations that volunteer during times of disaster. Choose one, and write a case study that contains a review and analysis of the organization. Your paper should address, at a minimum, the following points. […]

Determine the value of each of the five designs listed below and then critique the utility of each one relative to your research problem.

Critique designs Create an instructor’s presentation to teach students about qualitative research designs. Determine the value of each of the five designs listed below and then critique the utility of each one relative to your research problem. Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: Cover and references slides The problem to be investigated […]

Does population ageing pose challenges for health and social care systems? Provide statistics on the aging UK population that are relevant to your topic.

Debate: Does population ageing pose challenges for health and social care systems? What was your standpoint in the debate? What were the other views on the debate? Reflect on the information provided in the main points discussed during your group debate. Provide statistics on the aging UK population that are relevant to your topic. Explore […]

Create a one-page critique of the other research design that includes arguments why the design may not be suitable for researching your problem.

Phenomenological Research Designs Consider what you have learned about the case study and phenomenological research designs. Using Job Satisfaction and Police Resignation in US Policing, how could you use these designs to gain insights to fulfill the purpose of your study? Begin by selecting the approach that best fits the problem. Use the resources provided […]

Select 7 foreign countries, and briefly describe the communicable disease situation in the selected countries.

Communicable Diseases As a health care professional for an international health care network, you plan to visit 7 foreign countries this year as part of a communicable disease prevention program. Before you travel, you need to provide information to your assistants about the health care services in the countries you will be visiting, as well […]

Based on the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, identify and discuss some of the legislative actions to improve emergency preparedness and response.

Laws following major disasters Unit I Consider the laws that have been passed after major disasters and the programs that have been initiated to improve emergency management by reviewing the following documents. Review the following documents by clicking the links provided. Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013. U.S. Department of […]

Explain how state and federal public health laws interacted and whether they succeeded or failed in their implementations during that particular disaster.

National Planning Frameworks Unit VII Case Study For this assignment, choose two of the five National Planning Frameworks that relate to an emergency services function or recovery support function. Conduct research to identify examples where the frameworks were implemented for either Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Sandy. For each of your two chosen frameworks, explain how […]

Critically discuss the importance of social relationships in making key choices in your own lives.

NETWORKING OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1a) Sorenson (2018: p. 530) Critically discuss the importance of social relationships in making key choices in your own lives (particularly choices which have elements of ‘entrepreneurship’ (in its broadest sense)). Ensure you refer to literature on the importance of networks for key entrepreneurship decisions (1500 words (+/- 10%)) (See: Sorenson, O. […]

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