Using the examples provided in the Story of Stuff, discuss how you will create a communication tool to highlight the importance of an environmental or social issue affecting a community.

The Story of Stuff Project

Develop a topic for effecting change in what we buy as consumers.

Read The Story of Stuff Project (
Explore a Topic:
Blog Articles (
Podcasts (
Movies (
The Story of Plastic Animated Short Film (
Take Action:
Fight Plastic Pollution (
Unbottle Water(

Post: (15 points = 15 sentences minimum)

Using the examples provided in the Story of Stuff, discuss how you will create a communication tool to highlight the importance of an environmental or social issue affecting a community.

Questions to answer for Discussion 5:

Address an environmental or social issue.
Share a communication or marketing tool will you use (web site, video, cartoon, podcast, blog, photo exhibit, commercial, etc.) and explain why you chose this particular media tool.
Identify the issue affecting a community and how you hope to help through communication and media to encourage change.

Using the examples provided in the Story of Stuff, discuss how you will create a communication tool to highlight the importance of an environmental or social issue affecting a community.
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