Make a works cited page with the following article, a 2020 article by N. Krol and another author that suggests 8 ways that bosses can help the mental health of their subordinates.


Make a works cited page with the following articles. The link on the works cited page must include URL’s that lead directly to the full article.

1. A March 5 article by Larry Elder titled Report from the ‘cultural’ front lines:
‘Tolerant’ people who love everybody will destroy you if you disagree with them.

2. Locate the full PDF version of a source titled Perceived effects of dog-training
programmes in correctional settings. The source must be found by using the
Faulkner Library databases, and ProQuest Criminal Justice must be used as the

3. A 2020 article by N. Krol and another author that suggests 8 ways that bosses can help the mental health of their subordinates.

4. An article published by Siteman titled 8 Ways To A Healthier weight.

5. Christians express different views on some passages in the Bible that refer to judging others who openly sin. Often heard rationale are fallacious expressions like, “He was born that way” or “You can’t help whom you fall in love with” or the old laughable Flip Wilson line, “The devil made me do it.” There are even some in our so-called modern society who take great pride in their sinful behavior; they even have
celebration parades.

Make a works cited page with the following article, a 2020 article by N. Krol and another author that suggests 8 ways that bosses can help the mental health of their subordinates.
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