Habitat management
The college/school are keen to improve the local environmental habitat and support and promote native species of flora and fauna within the grounds.
You are an ecological trainee and have been employed to carry out a survey of the college/school grounds and write a written report of your findings and management plan to be submitted to the Principal.
Complete the following as part of your job role and include in your report:
With a high degree of accuracy safely and competently plan and carry out a habitat survey of the college/school grounds. Your results of your habitat survey will need to be presented in the written report.
As you are a trainee your supervisor will observe you and produce an Observation Record, which will also need to be included in the report. Your supervisor will assess that whilst carrying out the habitat survey that you complied with health and safety considerations, worked efficiently and with due care and regard for other people, animal welfare and the environment.
Analyze the results of the habitat survey and make clear and reasonable judgements on the outcomes within the report.
Apply your survey findings supported by referenced research to produce a comprehensive, justified, detailed, structured and clearly presented habitat management plan for the habitat you surveyed.
This should be included in your report and include:
Purpose, aims and objectives
A clear plan linked to flora and fauna and targeted species
Suggested timeframe
Justified, relevant and clear suggestions for improvements.