The impact of covid-19 on higher educational learning systems Prepare a research paper explaining about the negative effects of covid-19 on higher educational learning systems.
Choose a company or product that you patronize or purchase regularly. Explain how are the workers involved treated? If it makes use of animals or animal products, how are they treated?
The Assignment: For this assignment, choose a company or product that you patronize or purchase regularly. Do some research into this company or product, through the lens of consumer ethics. How are the workers involved treated? If it makes use of animals or animal products, how are they treated? Are there environmental impacts to be […]
Research and write a research paper essay discussing on negative impacts of smoking on individuals and society.
Negative impacts of smoking on individuals and society Research and write a research paper essay discussing on negative impacts of smoking on individuals and society.
Write an essay of no less than 400 words to summarize the contents of the watched videos and upload the assignment.
ASSIGNMENT Write an essay of no less than 400 words to summarize the contents of the watched videos and upload the assignment to the specific location on the blackboard before the due date. If there is more than one video assigned in a particular chapter, choose to write an essay on one video but should […]
Utilize social media and explain what type of music, chants, songs, sounds did you hear?, what genres of music?, and what was the messaging?
Soundtrack of a Movement For this assignment, utilize social media (Facebook, Twitter, TicToc, Snapchat, Instagram) digital media (online newspapers such as the StarTribune, Nytimes,, etc) as well as online news outlets (,, etc) in order to survey the music,songs, chants, anything musical associated with initial protests, the ongoing protest, and the current action […]
Discuss and compare four buildings from four different historical periods (four lectures), one from lecture 5, the second from lecture 6, the third from lecture 7, and the last from lecture 8.
History & Culture For this fortnightly assignment, discuss and compare four buildings from four different historical periods (four lectures), one from lecture 5, the second from lecture 6, the third from lecture 7, and the last from lecture 8.
Write a 1,500 word report assessing and providing recommendations for the improvement of the Operations Management of any chosen store outlet.
Business project and process plan Write a 1,500 word report assessing and providing recommendations for the improvement of the Operations Management of any chosen store outlet.
Submit a single Excel file that includes your results for all of the exercises. For each exercise, include the output from XLMiner or one of the online calculator tools.
Using Two-Sample Hypothesis In this assignment, you will simply be working through a few examples of hypothesis testing with two samples and determining whether the results are statistically significant using Excel. In some problems, you will be provided the data set, and in others, you will just be given the sample statistics. Submit a single […]
Write an annotated bibliography discussing on the impact of employee morale on organizational success.
Improving Employee Morale in the Workplace Write an annotated bibliography Mallik, A., Keerthi, D., & Mallik, L. (2019, November). Impact of employee morale on organizational success. Retrieved from Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng:
Enter your last name in Cell C12 and your first name in Cell C13. Then complete the following macros and assign them to the related objects.
Macro A 1 Enter your last name in Cell C12. 2 Enter your first name in Cell C13. 3 Name cell C12 LastName. 4 Name cell C13 FirstName. Complete the following macros and assign them to the related objects. Macro A adds 6 rows starting on row 11 Macro B moves from any cell to […]