Persuasive essay
Read the article:
Compose a persuasive essay response (minimum 500 words) that provides and supports an opinion (argument, claim) specifically about the light green, yellow, and light gray highlighted sections of the article.
Specifically provide a topic about the authors’ contention that the name “Braves” is derogatory, racist, humiliating, and offensive.
When providing that main statement, take a stand: agree or disagree with the quotation above.
Anywhere in your essay after the introductory paragraph, respond to the following question in the Streeter article: “Why should racist imagery be more important than ending a long cycle of humiliating our most marginalized citizens?”
Address and respond to that question with at least two declarative sentences, not interrogative sentences.
Compose this essay in the first-person point of view of Mario Rocha, an avid Atlanta Braves fan who holds season tickets. Every paragraph must clearly reveal that Mario is a Braves fan.