Trauma management
Case study- an elderly female who tripped on carpet and fell on the floor landing on her hip – after an hour her carer found and phoned an ambulance. On the paramedic arrival- Patient is alert, no present of external of haemorrhage, A- patent, B- good chest rise and fall. All her observation is normal range. Patient complaining about right lower limb pain on movement, pain score 8. Patient denies any dizziness prior fall nor loss consciousness after fall. No head injury present and patient can recall the past events. Patient presents with right limb shorten and externally rotated
Fracture Epidemiology (100 words)
Hip fracture in geriatric population in the UK?
NOF in emergency department reported?
Ageing population increasing means?
Secondary complication following hip fracture in the elderly?
Facture pathophysiology and Lifespan pathophysiology (200 words)
Types of fracture- what sign and symptom patient in this case presenting? NOF where does it occur? What’s it responsible?
Blood supply within the femoral head and distal lesser trochanter? Complication?
Bone density reduces following age-related degeneration, diets?
Women affected post-menopausal?
Sarcopenia, osteoporosis impact
Mechanism of Injury & risk factor (150 words)
Silver trauma (250 words)
Haemorrhage Management in prehospital setting? (150 words)
Direct pressure and circumferential pelvic stabilisation effective? Evidence?
In this section can also talk about how fragile blood vessels of elderly? bleeding disorder such as; haemophilia
Acidosis (150)