Day: June 14, 2022

Compare and contrast the radicalisation, disengagement and (where applicable) deradicalisation processes of two individuals.

Radicalisation, Counter-radicalisation and Deradicalisation Write a comparative analysis of the radicalisation, disengagement and, if applicable, deradicalisation processes undergone by individuals operating within and outside of terrorist groups. Choose one individual from List A (group-affiliated terrorists) and one individual from List B to write about. If you chose a Salafi-jihadist terrorist from List A, please choose […]

Using a ubiquitous approach to change, critically analyse your organisation’s change capability to address one key challenge.

Change readiness report – Change management You are a Change Management consultant working for a leading business consulting firm. You have been recently hired by another organisation to prepare a “Readiness for Change” report and advise them on how well their business is prepared to deal with key changes in the industry. You are required […]

Conduct a research project about Hong Kong-Shenzhen bridging program in English Language Teaching (primary schools) 2022. Then design a questionnaire so that you can send it online to collect data from the participants during program.

The Importance of English in Primary School Education in China: Perceptions of Teachers Research paper: You will be given a chance to distribute a questionnaire to conduct a research project about Hong Kong-Shenzhen bridging program in English Language Teaching (primary schools) 2022. This program has been organized and financialized by both HKSAR and Shenzhen Education […]

Using the country (Canada) that you will investigate with respect to Global Health, propose research that looks at changing a key behavior or element within the population or society to improve the health of the population.

Canada PowerPoint: Part 1 will be presented in PowerPoint, while Part 2 (transcript) will be submitted in an essay form. Using the country (Canada) that you will investigate with respect to Global Health, propose research that looks at changing a key behavior or element within the population or society to improve the health of the […]

Share your thoughts on some differences found between the Martin Bashir video “Living with Michael Jackson” and the “The Footage You Were Never Meant To See” video.

Martin Bashir Share your thoughts on some differences found between the Martin Bashir video “Living with Michael Jackson” and the “The Footage You Were Never Meant To See” video. How has the Bashir video helped or damaged the life and career of Michael Jackson?

Create a lesson plan for an area you are teaching or would like to teach that involves Physical Education.

Lesson Plan that incorporates Physical Education Using your schools lesson plan format, create a lesson plan for an area you are teaching or would like to teach that involves Physical Education. Class: Integrating Physical Ed. in Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Using specific historical and contemporary examples, discuss the positive and negative consequences of technology.

Consequences of Historical/Contemporary Technologies Write two posts (200 words per post) and use references Dialogue 4 – Consequences of Historical/Contemporary Technologies Using specific historical and contemporary examples, discuss the positive and negative consequences of technology, including the “unintended consequences” of technological progress.

In a post, outline the internal communication channels you will use to address feedback from internal and external customers.

Discussion: Feedback Loops In your initial post, address the following: Who will you ask for feedback from within the company? How do you plan to seek and address feedback and concerns from these sources within the company? Describe strategies you plan to use for seeking and addressing feedback from customers. Outline the internal communication channels […]

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