Critically analyze or expand on the economic content of an article from The Wall Street Journal.

Bases on the project

Critically analyze or expand on the economic content of an article from The Wall Street Journal. Your paper should be at least two but no more than three typed (Times New Roman or CG Times, 12 Point) pages in length.

Choose one newspaper or magazine article from Business Week, Forbes, The New York Times, or The Wall Street Journal (not a “blurb” or summary), published during the current semester (May-June 2022), that relates directly or indirectly to some analytical concept discussed in the course.

Your write-up should:
Demonstrate your understanding of your readings of this concept, making clear how you would interpret it, how you would use it, what it is important for, and any other relevant issues;

Make clear the relevance of your concept to an article you picked by connecting them, i.e., explain point(s) made by author using concept.  Be careful to explain statements you make—don’t simply make assertions you don’t support.

Critically analyze or expand on the economic content of an article from The Wall Street Journal.
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