Write a summary paragraph describing the results of the monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs that you conducted during your project.

Project Monitoring-and-Controlling Template
Knowledge Area Monitoring and Controlling Frequency* Detailed Description of F or E Ratings**
Process Outputs
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Human-Resource Management
Communication Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management

Frequency Key: N=Never, O = Occasional (1-4 times), F= Frequent (5-10 times), E = Excessive (>10 times)
Record the number of times that you had to monitor and control each knowledge area during the project, using the frequency key above.

Write a detailed description about any occurrences that happened more than 5 times or were rated frequent (F) or excessive (E).

Write a summary paragraph describing the results of the monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs that you conducted during your project.

Write a summary paragraph describing the results of the monitoring and controlling of processes and outputs that you conducted during your project.
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