Day: April 25, 2022

Write a dialogue between the two people you’ve just sketched and place the younger character in some sort of problem or dilemma.

CHARACTER SKETCH Observe an older person other than a friend or a relative. In a small notebook that you can carry in your pocket or purse, jot down significant details of his or her appearance, speech, dress, and mannerisms. Be discreet. The other person should not know he or she is being observed! Write a […]

Explain the model description along with complete architecture diagram and highlight the detailed design showing the system design with components/modules/parts/layers etc of your project.

LIP READING DRIVEN DEEP LEARNING APPROACH FOR SPEECH ENHANCEMENT Read through the pdf attached and provide the points below accordingly: (The points are labelled d, e, f in the pdf) 1. Pre-processing involved: Steps involved in preprocessing. 2. Models used: Description of the models used. Justify your choice of model. Highlight how class imbalance was […]

Research and write a research paper discussing on Health Benefits of Apple Watch. Explain is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence?

Health Benefits of Apple Watch Research paper; Introduction – Introduce the Product and explain why you are doing the paper (comparative analysis of product claims vs. scientific proof of health benefits) 1/2 page Consumer Product Analysis 2 pages – what does the product promise or claim Advertising Analysis vs. Scientific Proof 2 pages (in-text citations) […]

Develop a 2–3 page outline for a performance appraisal training program that incorporates that learning and addresses issues—i.e., cognitive bias.

Performance Appraisal Training Task The firm’s Employee Engagement principal was particularly impressed with your Onboarding presentation and has requested your assignment to a second project with significant engagement implications: reimagining the Performance Appraisal process. Specifically, the principal has asked you to review the appraisal best practices and techniques discussed in Module 9 and conduct additional […]

To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes?

Use of Commerce Clause by the federal government  To what extent should the Commerce Clause be used by the federal government to achieve noncommercial purposes? Use at least three of the following cases in your paper: U.S. v. E.C. Knight, Hammer v. Dagenhart, NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel, Heart of Atlanta v. U.S., U.S. […]

Create a 5-10 minute video documentary that convey an original idea, main statement or perspective and include original footage or data (such as interviews or filming events).

Story board/Documentary Video The topic should be about one disparity issues globally. First created a story board on the topic you decide for the documentary. Then create a 5-10 minute video documentary. The documentary should convey an original idea, main statement or perspective and include original footage or data (such as interviews or filming events).

Is this really the case, that some performance management scoring systems are gender biased? Why would a six-point scale work more in a woman’s favor than a ten-point system?

Performance Management and Appraisal Discussion Prompt Is this really the case, that some performance management scoring systems are gender biased? Why would a six-point scale work more in a woman’s favor than a ten-point system? Write at least a paragraph describing why this shift in rating scale would be more favorable to women. Then, in […]

Select one engagement element from the following list below and write up of that company and how they’re keeping their employees engaged with that element.

Building Positive Employee Relations When a survey measures an organization’s employee engagement, it measures “retention elements” and “engagement elements.” What’s the difference? Discussion Prompt Select one engagement element from the following list: rewards/recognition employee accountability/ownership leadership culture company vision corporate responsibility Find a company that’s exercising your chosen engagement element well. Do a quick write […]

How does Anouilh’s Antigone—especially his heroine—relate to these different portrayals of women in French culture?

Antigone Part One: Changing Views of Women in France: In a thoughtful brief essay of around 250 words, consider the following: How does Anouilh’s Antigone—especially his heroine—relate to these different portrayals of women in French culture? Why does he deliberately challenge the idea of quiet, obedient womanhood the government was advocating? Does this reveal something […]

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