Research then write a research paper on the effects of Children of Addicted Parents and identify a crisis intervention associated with that population.

Children Of Addicted Parents

The research paper focuses on one client population of your choosing, and instructor approval of population & intervention in the week #6 reflective journal entry assignment is required.

Identify a crisis intervention associated with that population and analyze that (ex. Abused children, violence against women, violence based on sexuality, school-based crises, sexual assault). Inventions are covered in Chapter 11.

For students in the alcohol and substance abuse program earning CASAC hours, a focus on a population impacted by this is required. The paper must be typed, and should be proof-read, spell-checked, use a 12-size font, 1” margins, and double-spaced.

Research then write a research paper on the effects of Children of Addicted Parents and identify a crisis intervention associated with that population.
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