What can we do to better support people with severe disabilities to lead more self-determined lives?

To understand self-determination, employment and full inclusion in the community.


1.Self-Determination – Wehmeyer has been one of the strongest advocates for self-determination for everyone. He cites self-determination as referring to: “volitional actions that enable one to act as the primary causal agent in one’s life and to maintain or improve one’s quality of life.” Why is self-determination so important? What can we do to better support people with severe disabilities to lead more self-determined lives?

2. Employment – Bagenstos describes the history of sheltered workshops and advocates against the continuation of sub-minimum wages. Why do you think we remain wedded to sheltered workshops as an outmoded service model? How successful has your New York State been in embracing Employment First models?

What can we do to better support people with severe disabilities to lead more self-determined lives?
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