Produce an online questionnaire (up to a maximum of 10 questions) accessed via a link on the receipt of any purchase of any item from ASOS.

ASOS plc is a British online fashion and cosmetic retailer – 

The company was founded in 2000 in London, primarily aimed at young adults. The website sells over 850 brands as well as its own range of clothing and accessories, and ships to all 196 countries from fulfilment centres in the UK, USA, and Europe.

The new marketing manager has developed the attached Research Brief which requires each student to complete two tasks as follows:


You are the marketing research executive in an agency invited to tender for this ASOS project in the UK, you are required to produce a Research Proposal.

[Further details at the end of the Research Brief.]


The Market Research Agency (in which you work as a marketing research executive) has been commissioned to do this Research project for ASOS.

You have been asked to produce an online questionnaire

 (up to a maximum of 10 questions).

A Research Proposal is required

Suppose you are the marketing research executive in an agency invited to tender for this ASOS project in the UK.


You are required to produce a Research Proposal that addresses each of the issues indicated in the following table:

Background to provide the context for the research

Marketing research objectives and rationale supporting them

Methodology with some indication of why the methods proposed are appropriate and a clear statement on sampling  
Data analysis considerations


Timing and a general costing – you do not need to be precise

Any other issues you believe are important



The Market Research Agency (in which you work as a marketing research executive) has now been commissioned to do this Research project for ASOS (about buyers’ attitudes (preferences – likes & dislikes) and perceptions – notably men and women who are Gen Z and Millennials / 18–40-year-olds – towards sustainability).

You have been asked to produce the following:

 An online questionnaire (up to a maximum of 10 questions) accessed via a link on the receipt of any purchase of any item from ASOS.

Produce an online questionnaire (up to a maximum of 10 questions) accessed via a link on the receipt of any purchase of any item from ASOS.
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