Analyze the film Whiplash by way of a Hobbesian lens, with the goal of arguing that the Characters Terrence Fletcher and Andrew, become embroiled in a Hobbesian “War of all against all” in their extreme pursuit of Felicity.

Politics and Film Hobbesian lens – Whiplash (2014)

1. Hobbesian lens – Whiplash (2014) dir. by Damien Chazelle

Analyze the film Whiplash by way of a Hobbesian lens, with the goal of arguing that the Characters Terrence Fletcher and Andrew, become embroiled in a Hobbesian “War of all against all” in their extreme pursuit of Felicity and therefore either fall into a State of Nature or resist (or a mixture of both these outcomes – you decide).

Support your analysis by specifically connecting your analysis to the Hobbesian hypotheses about a. felicity, b. morality, c. constant pre-emptive attacks and fighting – and the loss of civilization (course notes).


Analyze the film Whiplash by way of a Hobbesian lens, with the goal of arguing that the Characters Terrence Fletcher and Andrew, become embroiled in a Hobbesian “War of all against all” in their extreme pursuit of Felicity.
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