Explain how you would evaluate the clients readiness for discharge. How has the assessment scores and MSE changed as the patient is getting ready for discharge, explain

Major Depression with psychotic features- young adult

Complete a baseline HAM-D and explain the

List and explain the medications possible,
and rationale

Diagnostics and tests
Explain possible diagnostic tests and rationale

Medication teaching
Explain applicable medication teaching

Adverse effects of medications
What is serotonin syndrome?

What is serotonin discontinuation syndrome? Why can this client
suffer from these adverse drug effects

Therapeutic communication
Using therapeutic techniques write three statements and the
technique you would use to speak with client.

Extrapyramidal side effects (EPS)
Why can this patient develop EPS, what can cause it and what are
the signs and symptoms?

Nursing Interventions
Immediate nursing actions

What are the immediate nursing actions?

Ongoing nursing actions
What are the ongoing nursing actions?

Level of observation
Following the Valencia MH policy & procedure, document a level
of observation assigned to this client and your rational

Therapy sessions
What therapy sessions the client should participate and why?

Stages of development
What Erickson stage of development applies to the client and how
it is affected?

Alternative/coping skills
What alternative treatment/coping skills is recommended. Explain

Patient goals
What are the patient goals for the treatment, explain rationale?

Community Support
Support groups

What are community support groups you will refer the client to
attend after discharge

Importance of support group
Explain how will a community support group help the client.

Beck inventory
What is a Beck Inventory, perform one on this client 7 days after
admission. Explain your findings. How is it different to the HAM-D?

General patient education
List patient education (NONE MEDICATION) you would teach the
client & rationale

Readiness for discharge
Explain how you would evaluate the clients readiness for
discharge. How has the assessment scores and MSE changed as the patient is getting ready for discharge, explain

Final discharge note
Create a final discharge progress note SBAR format. (no more than 150 words). Address safe discharge placement, medications, and follow up therapy.

Explain how you would evaluate the clients readiness for discharge. How has the assessment scores and MSE changed as the patient is getting ready for discharge, explain
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