Discuss how the Athenian conception of justice clearly holds (political/group) power as the source of enfranchisement or disenfranchisement

Steps for Writing
1) Answer all parts below. Go directly at the questions (don’t feel the need to provide broad overviews, summary, etc.).
2) Ground your interpretation and argument in our texts (posted class notes can be used as well). So, reference the texts of the syllabus (midterm covers #1-6). Secondary literature should only be secondary (if used at all), but if you don’t use our readings, you can’t get credit for our course work.
3) Your grade greatly depends on a) interpreting texts – make clear where/when you reference a text by quotes or, if paraphrasing, still reference the text at end of re-wording; b) providing your own argument/stance in relation to the questions (which is more than summary/quote/reference).

2) In developing a conception of enlightenment, Kant presents a model of individual dignity and agency that is to be given its rightful political place:

a) Discuss how the Athenian conception of justice clearly holds (political/group) power as the source of enfranchisement or disenfranchisement;

b) next, discuss how West and Curry could be argued to demonstrate the power in (and oppressive potential of) conceptions of human difference – which nuance, distinguish, but also ultimately categorize and make capacity/agency distinctions;

c) last, discuss whether Marx seems to you to be bringing in a politics into economic analysis (as Weber would/should caution against as “unscientific”), or is Marx pointing out the political/interest divides that are discovered with historical and systemic analysis. Argue your case.

Discuss how the Athenian conception of justice clearly holds (political/group) power as the source of enfranchisement or disenfranchisement
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