Produce an e-portfolio that address the following task:
Create a blog site and make 3 posts (90 Marks).
Create your own personal blog on WordPress at https://wordpress.com, or similar. Ensure that the settings are on private, not public viewing, as otherwise everyone including your fellow students can see your work. Your lecturers need permission to view the blog.
You will create a blog with three posts (approximately 500-600 words each). The expectation is that you create a professional blog, so consider the layout and presentation (writing in the first person is acceptable). Any visuals you use to support your post will be considered 300 word equivalent in total.
Post 1: Based on your learning from Unit 1, what do you consider to be the biggest threat to human kind and why?
Post 2: Based on your learning from Unit 2, evaluate the skills you will need to be successful in your chosen field. Identify those you think are the most significant and justify your selection.
Post 3: Based on your learning from Unit 3, discuss the merits or shortcomings of design thinking to your chosen areas of study.
Support your discussion with appropriate reference to evidence in the form of citations.