Discuss all four of the main schools of learning theory,Behaviourist, Humanist, Cognitivist and Social/Situational Learning.

Assessment brief: 

 Essay 100%  (5000 words)

Critically evaluate a range of theories of learning and make judgements about which are the most useful in terms of developing your own teaching practice, and in providing an inclusive and democratic learning experience.

Part 1

 You will need to discuss all four of the main schools of learning theory,Behaviourist, Humanist, Cognitivist and Social/Situational Learning.

Within this discussion or in addition you could also examine other specific models or theories of learning e.g. Andragogy, Deep and Surface learning, Gestalt, Constructivism, Communities of Practice.

You may include any relevant model or theory related to learning, drawing on your own research and practice.

Further you will also need to relate these theories to your own context and classroom practice.  Avoid too much description of the theories and concentrate on analysis and appraisal in relation to your own practice. Give examples to exemplify your argument.


What theories can be seen as underpinning current practices

What is your personal philosophy or “theory of learning” and how does it influence your practice

Any subject specific theories related to your specialism

What ethical dimensions should be considered

How theories and subsequent approaches may support or undermine inclusion

What theories will you draw on to develop your practice further?

Some alternative approaches

 Use the participation versus acquisition metaphor from Coffield (see session 1). Evaluate the different theories or schools in reference to this and what is needed in your specialism.

Work through each main school in turn, evaluating and relating in terms of your specialism and preference as you go. If you take this approach be careful to join your argument together. E.g. The criticisms of one school can be seen to lead to consideration of a different school.

You could use your own specialism and teaching to frame a discussion of all the schools. Explaining how different theories support different aspects of practice. With this approach be careful to give enough description, depth and consideration of the breadth of the theories, don’t simply mention one aspect then move on.

Discuss all four of the main schools of learning theory,Behaviourist, Humanist, Cognitivist and Social/Situational Learning.
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