Describe and evaluate evidence which suggests that information in long-term memory is stored in multiple memory systems.
This essay asks you to consider the evidence that informs us that there are mutliple systems for processing long-term memory.
You should discuss this question by including both a description of these multiple memory systems and a critique of the evidence.
You should begin your essay with a strong introduction, defining any key terms and outlining how you will answer the question. (Approx. 200-250 words).
The main body of your essay should consider initial understandings of long-term memory, and how this has changed to a multiple memory system approach.
You should outline difference types of memory systems and discuss the literature that provides support and challenges to these claims. (Approx. 1000-1100 words).
You should wrap up your answer with a strong conclusion that summarises and/or reinforces some of the key points made in your answer, referring back to the question. (Approx. 200-250 words)