Write a 3page paper (not counting the title page and reference page) describing 3 local resources with obvious multicultural orientation.

Write a 3page paper (not counting the title page and reference page) describing 3 local resources with obvious multicultural orientation.

The local resources must be agencies with physical buildings, not solely online sources.

Begin with a brief paper introduction before going to your first section/heading (do not use a heading for the introduction). In this opening paragraph, state and describe the town/city you live in, including statistics on the cultural makeup (cite and reference the source used for this information).

Include population demographics for the town or city you live in (for example, how many people live in your town, age demographics, racial composition, religion, economics, crime rate, education, and any other significant information). What is important to know about the city/town you live in?

Use a heading for each of the 3 local resources. Do not use any additional subheadings; use paragraphs to separate main ideas.

As you describe each local resource and the cultural need it best meets, give the address, explain the referral or application process, costs (use a sliding pay scale, take insurance, for example), when the agency was founded, and details of the services provided.

Cite and reference the websites or documents used in describing the services of 3 local cultural resources.

Choose 3 different agencies that meet 3 different needs, rather than all three agencies addressing the same social services need. These agencies must have obvious, specific multicultural orientation.

For example, a mental health counseling agency does not meet this requirement; however, a counselor fluent in American Sign Language would meet this requirement and be an excellent resource to be aware of.

If you note that there is a large Latin American population where you live, for example, aim to find a human services resource that includes Spanish speaking services.

The resources should be actual buildings with practical supports. If you live in a small town with few resources, it is fine to locate supports that are close by. This is an opportunity to learn new information regarding resources where you live. Do not choose your own current or previous workplace.

All work must be original; do not resubmit work you have submitted for this or another class. Some ideas for multi culturally oriented resources include different languages offered, faith-based, focused on veterans, and immigrants. If you have a question about a resource, reach out to your professor.

Write a 3page paper (not counting the title page and reference page) describing 3 local resources with obvious multicultural orientation.
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