Provide research & analysis on how employees should conduct business by specifically targeting the cultural factors of doing business in the country/culture.


To explore cultural & communication aspects of a country/culture using the case study approach
To apply ethical principles and behaviors in the context of conducting business abroad
To further cultivate your communication skills (written, oral, and electronic)
To analyze characteristics of effective intercultural communication and apply strategies for coping & adjusting to new environments and different cultures.


You are members of a Consulting Team specializing in international business. You have been hired by a company that is preparing to send a group of employees to another country.

Your purpose is to prepare these employees with a comprehensive understanding of the country/culture that they will be entering into to conduct business. To do this, the employees will need a well researched and accurate country/culture briefing report.

The country/culture report should outline significant under underlying cultural norms, values, and communication patterns of that specific country/culture and how they might impact business interactions. It should also provide at least two (2) strategies on how best to communicate (verbal & non-verbal) in this country/culture which will help these employees adjust and build relationships to meet their goals, successfully.

As a Consulting Team, you will also design & present a role play to these employees that aims to help them understand the communication patterns of that specific culture/country and how it may affect a specific type of business interaction. You will demonstrate a resolution to a challenge faced in a specific business interaction, by using a role play exercise that adopts at least one (1) of the two (2) strategies recommended (in written report). Remember that communication patterns can include verbal and nonverbal characteristics.

Written Country Culture Brief Report (1500-max. 2000 words/5 pages):

You will submit a written report on a country/culture* (of your choice) that no other group has chosen. We decided to go with Vietnam.

overall required information:
1) Chosen Country/Culture Profile
2) Culture, Customs and Etiquette
3) Business Culture and Communication- Analyzing a Business Interaction
Conduct research & provide a brief profile on your chosen country/culture* (of your choice).

Provide research & analysis on how employees should conduct business by specifically targeting the cultural factors of doing business in the country/culture.

This could be cultural factors such as status of women, type of religion, language, cultural barriers, income inequality, foreign investments, ease of doing business, livable factor, etc. Remember to incorporate any stereotypes, misconceptions from media.

Report should provide analysis on how business is should be conducted in the country/culture.

Based on your research and findings, provide at least two (2) recommendations on what you think is the most important strategies that employees should adopt to best communicate ( 1 verbal & 1 non-verbal strategy) in this country/culture.

Strategies which will help them adjust and build relationships when faced with business interaction challenges. (Use these within Role Play)

Provide research & analysis on how employees should conduct business by specifically targeting the cultural factors of doing business in the country/culture.
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