Social Media: Health Initiative Topic: Suicide Prevention During and After COVID-19 Pandemic in USA
Choose a health promotion initiative and create a social media project for that initiative. Discuss the following:
Background and rationale for using technology
Target audience(s) and strategies for engaging them
Social media tools to use and why they are applicable to the desired audience(s)
Potential evaluation process (e.g., internet metrics or analytical tools)
This paper should be 3-5 pages, not including title page and references, and follow current APA 7 guidelines. Make sure each paragraph has its own subtitle.
Description of background and rationale for using technology associated with a chosen health promotion initiative. Description of target audience(s) and strategies for engaging them in the chosen health promotion initiative
Description of social media tools to use and why they are applicable to the desired audience(s) associated with chosen health promotion initiative
Description of potential evaluation process (e.g., internet metrics or analytical tools) associated with chosen health promotion initiative
Scholarly writing is evidenced by proper grammar and proper APA formatting.
This week you will focus on the role of social media and select a health promotion initiative, and create a social media project to present the initiative in a social media “space”.
Your 3-5 page paper (APA formatted) will discuss the background and rationale for using technology in a social media setting, your target audience and strategies for engagement, any social media tools you will use and how they will be applied, and a potential evaluation of your process to note effectiveness and make changes if needed.
Let’s face it. Social Media is a significant marketing tool for promoting many things in our society. We must employ this tool to influence health effectively!