Describe the main points from a message and assess the importance of an issue based on a message’s tone by considering the Six Ws of communication.


For this assessment, you will listen to a voicemail, take notes, and record and submit a response. To successfully complete the assessment, complete the following steps:

Consider this scenario: You are a customer service specialist at ABC Inc. On Monday morning, you check your phone and discover you have a voicemail from your manager, Wanda, about a customer service issue. She is worried because one of the company’s most important clients has not received their shipment. While she acknowledges it is not your fault, she needs you to work quickly to resolve the issue. In order for you to address the problem, she has outlined some tasks that must be completed in order to fast-track the solution.



Hi, this is Wanda. We have a huge concern. We need to fix this immediately. Our client didn’t receive our shipment. At this point the shipment is over a week late, and our client is very upset. I don’t know who made this huge mistake, but as soon as I find out there will be consequences. This client is our primary customer. We won’t tolerate these types of careless mistakes. As soon as you receive this, call me back so they know that we are all on the same page. Okay, we need to fix this. What can we do? What can we do? Let’s first make sure we can immediately refund their cost. Call their manager right away and explain this to them. Her name is Sara Robbins. Then, let’s see. We can do this. Let’s fix this. Let’s refund their shipping charge right away and then make sure they get their shipment by Thursday. Okay, okay. If there’s anything else I need to know, call me immediately. Call me either way so we can make sure this is taken care of. Bye.

Assess the voicemail (transcript), using the Six Ws you learned about, by completing the Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 1 [DOCX].

Now that you have heard the voicemail and applied active listening skills to the message, apply oral communication skills to effectively respond. Record your voicemail response. Make sure your response:

Describes the main points from your manager’s message.

Uses neutral language and tone appropriate for a response to your manager.

Assesses the importance of the issue based on the manager’s tone.

Is limited to one minute or less.

Evaluate your voicemail and how you think Wanda would react by reviewing it and seeing if you think it addresses what you noted on your Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 1 [DOCX]worksheet. If needed, re-record your voicemail.

Submit your voicemail, along with your completed Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 1 [DOCX]worksheet.

Competency 1: Interpret a speaker’s message to develop an appropriate response.

Describe the main points from a message.

Assess the importance of an issue based on a message’s tone by considering the Six Ws of communication.

Competency 2: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Address the appropriate audience, using professional language and tone.

Speak concisely and directly, using active voice.

The Six Ws: As you progress through the course, keep the Six Ws in mind to help you gather the information you need to communicate the whole story:

Who:Who is the person (or the people) acting or experiencing things in the message?

What: What happened, is happening, or will happen? What is the main event of the message?

When:When is the event (or events) of the message occurring, or has it already occurred?

Where:Where did (or will) all the actions take place?

Why:Why is the speaker telling you this message? What is the reason behind this communication?

How:How are things getting done in the message? What are the details and steps involved?



Describe the main points from a message and assess the importance of an issue based on a message’s tone by considering the Six Ws of communication.
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