Applications of Linear, Quadratic or Exponential Equations
Apply mathematical problem solving skills to a variety of problems at the college level. Use what we have learned in the course and apply them to a topic of your choice.
Write a short paper using the equations with the exception of chapter 5(interest/compound interest equations. The goal is to find data of interest which can be written as ordered pairs.
Examine the shape of the data’s graph and determine the type of equation to be used in the paper.
Write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do not indent.) Since this is a short paper the abstract should only be one to three sentences.
Do not write in first person.
In the body of the paper tell why the topic was picked.
Each paragraph is indented.
A graph may be in the paper showing the data points found. The graph may be only ¼ of a page.
Explain why this topic was picked.
Find an equation: linear, quadratic or exponential.
Explain how the equation was found.
Explain if the equation found is valid for the future, if it is not why is it not a good predictor.
If it is a valid equation explain the impact of what the equation predicts. Is there an impact on society? Does this equation have an impact on the job market? What is the impact on people in general?
These are just a few example questions; you do not have to answer these questions but you need to think about your equations impact.
Write a conclusion.