Describe your experience of the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of a Change Management Initiative.

The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate how you are thinking about putting course concepts, models, tools and practices in your own context to demonstrate the course learning outcomes:

1. Be able to discuss the theoretical underpinnings of managing change: its causes,
effects and impacts, and their effects interpersonally

2. Be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of a range of change management
models, and apply them to reallife contexts.

3. Be able to outline a range of effective strategies for managing change in reallife
context and in relation to a range of stakeholders

The first confirmed case of Covid19 in the Republic of Ireland was February 29th 2020. The events of March 2020 were a watershed. The country moved to strict lockdown measures in response to the growing number of confirmed cases. Tens of thousands of people were out of work due to the restrictions.

For this assignment, you are to describe your experience of the Covid19 pandemic
through the lens of a Change Management Initiative.

Reference the change models and the various stages of change throughout. Use your
new learnings to identify and recognize your personal response, your workplace
and/or that of those around you and the national response.

Consider the following:
Can you recognize and identify the various steps and models?

What were the immediate changes in your professional life, how did you adjust?

What support did you receive?

What else would have helped?

How did you feel?

What supports did you personally put in place?

What if any steps did you take to build/sustain your energy/resilience?

What if anything did you discover about yourself/others that you didn’t know?

Describe your experience of the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of a Change Management Initiative.
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