School to prison pipeline
In 5 to 7 pages, Times New Rome 12 font, and using scholarly grammar and adhering to APA 6th requirements and references (include at least four references and citations from scholarly resources or data sources outside of the textbook), complete the following:
Step 1: Describe the methodology utilized for gathering the data for describing the need.
A. You may have used multiple data sources and methods; be specific in identifying the sources and the analysis approach used. (e.g. extrapolation of data from existing sources, resource inventory, service statistics, social survey, key informant survey, public forum, other source, or combination)
B. Explain why you chose this particular method of data collection.
C. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the method(s) used.
Step 2: Provide the following data:
A. General Population:
1. Define the geographical region for your problem definition and program
2. Support the selection of the proposed geographic parameters defined
3. Discuss and provide prevalence data that will be applied to this general population
B. The At-Risk Population:
1. Indicate the number of at-risk persons and describe the demographic characteristics of this population
2. Provide census data, prevalence data, and/or statistical abstracts from scholarly journals to support your description of the scope of the problem. Be sure to identify the source(s) of the data.
C. The Target Population:
1. Describe the target population who are impacted by the problem and may be potential consumers
2. Be specific regarding the number of potential clients in the define geographic area.
D. The Consumer Population:
1. Describe the people you expect to serve. How will they be identified and selected from the target population?
2. Be specific re: the number of clients to be served as this determines your program capacity and the staff resources required for service delivery.
3. Provide the program capacity (how many clients can be served by the program
simultaneously). Provide the anticipated length of stay. Provide the total number of clients to be served on an annual basis.
E. Provide a data chart the outlines:
1. Normative Need
2. Perceived Need
3. Expressed Need
4. Relative Need (this may be provided in a separate graphic or narrative format depending upon the locations/geographic areas being compared.
F. Discuss the consistency or variance of data contained in the “population funnel” compared to the three times of need included in section E.