What are the motivation and goals of this case study? Are the aims, logic and relative merits of the methodology clearly presented?

Qualitative methods

You should review the following article:
Hoelscher, K. & Nussio, E. (2016) ‘Understanding unlikely successes in urban violence reduction’, Urban Studies 53: 2397-2416.
You can check the article on GOOGLE SCHORLAR

The critical review must engage the following questions

What are the motivation and goals of this case study?

Are the aims, logic and relative merits of the methodology clearly presented?

Are all the elements of research design (motivation, research questions, theory, methods & data issues, case selection) convincingly justified and coherently articulated?

What are the (methodological) strengths and weaknesses? Any distinctive contribution, innovation? Any obvious gap, omission, uncertainty?

How about the quality (standards) of this work? Is the story interesting, relevant, original? Is the research effort systematic, rigorous? Are the findings credible, convincing?

Any suggestion for improving the quality/leverage of this research piece?

Overall, are the methodological foundations of this case study sound enough?

In order to inform your review, you may draw from the literature on case studies
(Gerring 2004; Flyvbjerg 2006; Bennett 2004; Mitchell & Bernauer 2004) and
qualitative research (Tracy 2010; Gerring 2017; Mahoney & Goertz 2006).


What are the motivation and goals of this case study? Are the aims, logic and relative merits of the methodology clearly presented?
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