Write an analytical essay in which you explain how a poem reflects Shelley’s ideas about poetry.

Write an analytical essay connecting the ideas in a poem to a nonfiction text.

In this assignment, you will write an analytical essay connecting the ideas in a poem to the ideas in “A Defence of Poetry” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The essay is worth 100 points.

Assignment Prompt
Write an analytical essay in which you explain how a poem reflects Shelley’s ideas about poetry. Use a wordprocessing program to write and submit your work.

Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Review the central ideas of Shelley’s essay.

a) Review Shelley’s essay “A Defense of Poetry” and consider some of its central ideas, including:

a. Poetry elevates any topic.

b. Poetry preserves fleeting moments of beauty.

Step 2: Choose a poem.
a) Find a poem that you think reflects ideas in Shelley’s essay.

b) Consult anthologies, literary magazines, and the websites of literary nonprofits.

c) Evaluate the credibility of your sources.

Step 3: Connect Shelley’s ideas to the poem.
a) In an analytical essay, explain how the poem you found in your research reflects the central ideas of Shelley’s essay.

b) Use text evidence to support your explanation.

Step 4: Evaluate your essay using the checklist.
Answer these questions to see if you are ready to submit your essay.

Does your essay explain the central ideas in Shelley’s essay?

Does your essay connect Shelley’s ideas to a poem you found through research?

Does your essay support your explanation with evidence from the texts?

Does your essay have welldeveloped paragraphs, including an engaging introduction and a strong conclusion?

Step 5: Revise and submit your essay.
a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, revise your essay and save it before submitting it.

b) When you have completed your essay, return to the Virtual Classroom and use the “Browse for file” option to locate and submit your assignment. Congratulations! You have written an analytical essay.

c) Ask your teacher for further instructions about presenting your essay to an audience of your peers.

Write an analytical essay in which you explain how a poem reflects Shelley’s ideas about poetry.
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